Hygiene & Bugs R Us is a trusted, eco-friendly Pest Control & Hygiene Services company located in Cape Town, South Africa.

Hygiene & Bugs R Us is a trusted, eco-friendly Pest Control & Hygiene Services company located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Hygiene & Bugs R Us is a trusted

Hygiene & Bugs R Us is a trusted, eco-friendly Pest Control & Hygiene Services company located in Cape Town, South Africa.
We offer safe, certified, colourless, odourless pest control services and our products are safe for children, people and animals and no-one needs to be out of the home or building during treatments.
Give us a call on 087 728 2316 or visit our website www.hygieneandbugs.co.za for more information on the services we can offer you.
#hygienebugsrus #hygiene #pestcontrol


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All the products we use are safe for people, children and animals and no-one needs to be out of the

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