Termite Control

Termite Control: Termites are regarded as one of the most damaging and destructive pest for your home or business.

All the products we use are eco-friendly, odourless, and safe for people, children and animals.

No need to vacate the premises or unpack during application!

Termite Control

Protect Your Property with Expert Termite Control

Termites can cause extensive damage to the structure of buildings and in extreme cases warrant the closure of buildings, homes or commercial property until the relevant fumigation and repairs are completed.

Termites and the damage caused by termites are not covered by your home or building insurance.

Pre-Construction termite Treatment
  1. This is when termiticide is applied to the soil during the construction phase of building to prevent termites from entering the building.
Post construction - Preventative treatment
  1. Dig a trench 450mm deep around the foundation. Apply 5L of termiticide per square meter while filling the trench.
  2. If trenching is not possible, drill holes every 500mm through the foundation and apply 5L of termiticide per hole.
Post construction - Infestation treatment
  1. Dig a trench 450mm deep around the foundation. Apply 5L of termiticide per square meter while filling the trench.
  2. If trenching is not possible, drill holes every 500mm through the foundation and apply 5L of termiticide per hole.
Termite baiting – Harvester termites only
  1. Recommended treatment: termite baiting.
  2. Nests span over 100m with multiple queens laying 25,000 eggs daily.
  3. Soil poisoning is ineffective; nests are 1m to 8m underground.
  4. Termites will invade from surrounding areas despite soil treatment.

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